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What is the price for OneUpOneDown mentorship?
There is no cost to become part of our network to help it remain as accessible to as many women as possible. We intend to keep our mission central to our actions and mission – to facilitate meaningful connections and make great advice accessible to everyone. Make sure you have completed the main steps.
Basic (Free) Membership: Grow as a mentor or mentee with self-guided resources, and access to Whatsapp community.
Premium Membership: Guarantees mentees a match within 14 days.
*1 Mentorship experience last 3 months. Within these 3 months, you meet 4 times into 1:1 conversations. Each meeting is virtual and last 60min. After 3 months, you are rematched. Mentorship experience is an ongoing practice.
*Please, note that in order to be matched your profile must be fully completed and you must be a premium member.