Join OneUpOneDown Premium to be matched within 14 days

At OneUpOneDown, our mission is to facilitate meaningful connections and make great advice accessible. Our services include:

Free Mentorship: Open to all mentors and mentees, with flexible matching.

Premium Service: Guarantees mentees a match within 14 days.

For organisations: Tailored for female-focused organizations to engage their community. Learn more. 


> Longer time to get matched

> Time period per match = 3 months

> Total meetings per match = 4

> 1 Meeting = 60min

> Guides & Resources

*1 Mentorship experience last 3 months. Within these 3 months, you meet 4 times into 1:1 conversations. Each meeting is virtual and last 60min. After 3 months, you are rematched. Mentorship experience is an ongoing practice.


Starting from $29 per 3-months.

> Get matched within 14 days

> For mentees (there is no cost for being a mentor)

> Time period per match = 3 months

> Total meetings per match = 4

> 1 Meeting = 60min

> Guides & Resources

> Private events & Workshops

> Premium support (24/7)

*1 Mentorship experience last 3 months. Within these 3 months, you meet 4 times into 1:1 conversations. Each meeting is virtual and last 60min. After 3 months, you are rematched. Mentorship experience is an ongoing practice.

*Cancel online at any time.


For mentors:

There is no cost to be a mentor. Join for free and enjoy the process of supporting others to learn and grow through OneUpOneDown Mentorship. If you wish to sign up as both a mentor and a mentee, please select from the plans above.

Benefits of OneUpOneDown Premium:


Guaranteed Match Within 14 Days

No long wait for getting matched. Our premium service ensures you're matched with a mentor who aligns with your goals and aspirations swiftly, otherwise we’ll return your investment.


Exclusive Access to Networking Events

Connect with a broader community of inspiring women leaders and peers in various industries.


Enhanced Support and Resources

Gain access to additional tools and support designed to maximize your mentorship experience.


Support OneUpOneDown’s Mission

Your investment helps us to continue to connect women all over the world into high-quality mentorship matches.

What our community say about their experience ​

“I loved my first mentor/mentee relationship, I thought we were well matched in terms of our experiences and interests”​

Kathryn (Walker) Street, mentor
Senior People Partner | Connector
Auckland, New Zealand

“I don't know what their secret sauce is, but I could not have been happier with the first mentee that OneUpOneDown matched me"

Marisa Sires, mentor
Digital Product Leader | Remote Team Leadership
New York, United State

Frequently Asked Questions

How Matches Work.

Our matching process is based on the intersection of the experience and perspectives that the mentee seeks to gain and what the mentor has developed. Once we propose a match and both parties accept, the mentoring relationship begins. Each mentorship lasts three months, during which there should be at least four meetings. After completing a match, mentors and mentees can enter new pairings to address evolving learning and development needs. For premium members, matching occurs within 14 days. For non-premium members, the process can take up to three months.

Why sign up for the Premium Membership?

Premium members are guaranteed to be matched within 14 days, otherwise you will get your money back. With Premium you can be confident that you will get matched with the person you need to guide you at the time you need it. 

In addition, by signing up as a paying user you will also be supporting our mission to provide more women with access to great advice and meaningful connections. We believe that mentorship is the key to creating more equal opportunities for women in business and technology. 

Not sure which plan is best for you?

Reach out to our team at [email protected]. We will happily discuss your needs and help you to work out which plan is best suited. 

How Mentor Proposals Work.

Before we make a match, we will send you some details of the proposed mentor or mentee. You will have the opportunity to review and accept the proposed match, or decline if if you don’t think it is a good fit. Once both mentor and mentee accepts the match, the mentoring relationship begins. Match proposals will be sent via email and be shown within the OneUpOneDown platform, once you log in. 

What if you can’t find a good match for me?

As a Premium member, if we can’t find a suitable mentor for you within the 14 days of signing up, we will issue you a refund. Sometimes, it can take a little while to find a good match, and we prefer to make sure it’s a good fit rather than propose non-suitable mentors. If this is the case and you request a refund, we will refund you and not charge until we find a suitable match. 

What is near-peer mentorship?

Our mentorship programmes are modelled off of near-peer mentorship because we have seen firsthand how successful it can be and the positive impact it can have, when facilitated effectively.

Contact form

If you’ve got a question about OnUpOneDown, don’t hestitate to reach out.
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